I finally finished another game: Alter Kat! newgrounds.com/portal/view/646821
Still working on a more story-based, animation-driven adventure game experience for the Jenni character & friends, here's a little treat in the meantime. Kat's an alternative girl who chooses from a wide range of bold & stylish fashions. Eery animated backgrounds & custom music compliment her mood, and set the vibe to rock various hairstyles, cute outfits, combat boots, high heels, tattoos, piercings and makeup. Currently available on PC only, with a mobile version in development.
If you play any of my games, please vote them up, & be sure to submit a screenshot of your character to the Jenni Styles Tumblr Blog: jenni-styles.tumblr.com Constructive feedback is welcomed!
Add me? jenninexus.newgrounds.com
Stay in touch: facebook.com/MostlyJenniNexus
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